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Hydroseeding / waterside re-vegetation

Fields of application and use of our products

Waterside re-vegetation & bank protection covering
For the bank protections established above water & waterside re-vegetation Bodengranulat Plus
Hydroseeding or wet seeding
Golf course construction – e.g. fairway Flüssigkonzentrat
Slopes at the sides of traffic routes
(motorway, road, and railway construction)
Mountain and ski trails
Landscaping and hydraulic structures
Humus-less rock re-vegetation
Re-vegetation of extreme large areas
(e.g. brown coal, sand and gravel mining areas)
Re-naturation of large areas


Information on hydroseeding/waterside re-vegetation


aqua-terra Bioprodukt GmbH Langenselbolder Straße 8, D-63543 Neuberg Telephone +49 (0) 6183-91 49 00  Imprint // Data protection